Dear Constant Reader,
According to Jordan they do!
If you want to stay updated with the Myspace blogs that belong to the 1-18-08 cast, you can subscribe to each blog separately. However, if you would like to subscribe to just one feed that pulls in all seven blogs, you can subscribe to (alternatively you can add this syndicated feed: 11808blogs to your livejournal friends list.)
If you do not want to subscribe, but would rather just view on occasion, you can visit However, do note that the timestamps that are being shown at Feeder are the actual timestamps that these entries were originally created. The dates that are posted at the blogs itself have been edit (backdated) to appear as if though they were posted months upon months ago.
If you’d rather subscribe to each blog separately, a user at livejournal has created separate syndicated accounts, which can be found by viewing LJ Syndication: MySpace Character Blogs.
All Of The Possible Character MySpaces :
- Rob Hawkins (Age: 26) - [/robbyhawkins]
- Jason Hawkins (Age: 28) - [/jj_hawkins]
- Lilly Ford (Age: 26) - [/lilly_ford]
- Beth McIntyre (Age: 26) - [/beth_mcintyre]
- Jamie Lascano (Age: 26) - [/jamielascano]
- Marlena Diamond (Age: 26) - [/marlenadiamond]
- Hudson Platt (Age: 26) - [/hudsonplatt]

Technorati Tags: [JJ Abrams] [1-18-08] [Slusho] [Cloverfield] [MySpace]
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