Unstable Pogo Stalkers

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Dear Constant Reader,

Today a player won $4999.99 in a Pogo room that I happened to be playing in. Immediately players began to flock to the room (because it's broadcast to all rooms) and began demanding that this winner tell them where they were from.
Three players in particular got very demanding with this person and when I commented that they were loony they immediately got even loonier.
They began to check out the winner's profile and "investigating" who this person possibly could be. After they'd each done a little bit of research they would start comparing notes.
What the hell is wrong with people these days?
Can't someone have a bit of luck without the rest of the world leeching onto them?
The players who were stalking this poor person are as follows :


Considering that they all have numbers at the ends of their names it makes one wonder if it's the same crazy person all wrapped into one.
If you see these people on Pogo I would suggest running in the other direction.
I've never met three more unstable individuals in my life.

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