Our Drunken Landlord / Caretaker

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Dear Constant Reader,

Our caretaker has decided to have another one of his drunken weekends on the weekend that our toilet decides to stop working properly.
I'm getting so sick of repairs being done once every 8 months because our idiot caretaker cannot seem to control how much booze he intakes.
What's worse? His wife has started drinking too. I'm assuming this is why he's decided to raise the rent again. More money=more booze right?
He'll take weeks to come by to repair something but if we're more than 24 hours late within the rent he threatens to evict.
There aren't many people that I wish harm to but in his case I'll make an exception.

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Angel said...

Sorry to hear you have such an ass for a landlord. Seems to be the thing with most of them now a days. Call a plumber and charge it to the landlord. lol

Anonymous said...

Soak your rent money in the toilet before you give it to him next time.