Dear Constant Reader,
Today I learned that my one sister is a heaving liar and my other sister is playing town skank with some abusive idiot.
I had to call my sister today because more bill collectors are looking for her at our number. YAY!
The man that my sister left her husband (of over 20 years) for answered the phone today and without ever having heard my voice before said to my sister : "There's some asshole on the phone for you". Charming huh?
And her response? She comes to the phone and says : "I'm in bed call me later"
I'll just bet she's in bed. She's in bed getting her 40+ year old bird stuffed with a pile of wang.
Despite being fifteen years older than me she's acting like I did when I was fifteen. Heck I still act like that!
I'm not sure what the point of this post is except for me just wanting to vent.
I'm going to try calling her around 7 or so and if you're good I might just record the call and share.
Technorati Tags: [A] [Little] [About] [Me]
Okay So Now I Know
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 2:56 PM 2 comments
Darwin Died For Jesus
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Dear Constant Reader,
I had to have a conversation with a Christian today and it was the most painful experience of my life.
I then saw this on their bumper as they drove away from my house : Trust Jesus.
After I finished throwing up in my mouth I wrote a few bumber stickers of my own :
New Bumber Sticker Proposals
- Only you can prevent Christianity
- Give a hoot, Give God the boot
- Christians: The Other White Meat
- Jesus In, Garbage Out
- It IS Adam & Steve, Fuck Those Other Two
- Children Come Unto Me ... I'm A Priest!
- Save Our Forests, Burn A Bible
- Jesus Is Coming, Hand Him A Towel!
- Jesus Loves The Little Children But Not As Much As Our Priest
- Darwin Died For Jesus

Technorati Tags: [New] [Atheist] [Bumper Stickers] [Religion]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 4:05 PM 0 comments
I'm A Man Into Looking At Myself
Dear Constant Reader,
One of the things that I take a lot of care of is my skin and hair.
I like feeling smooth and having hair that a woman can run her fingers through.
I'm not vain (by any stretch of the imagination) but I simply like to take good care of the things that I show to the world everyday.
I have two (yes two) makeup mirrors in the house that I wouldn't do without.
Add to those a large collection of various face products that are guaranteed to rip the morning uglies away in a flash.
I should also say that I never judge others by their looks but I do notice when someone doesn't care enough about themselves to take care of how they present themselves to the world.
Your face is usually the first thing that people see and you only have one.
Technorati Tags: [A] [Little] [About] [Me]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 11:55 AM 0 comments
Wow my readers are good
Dear Constant (and quick) Readers,
Ten minutes after having posted about wanting to turn myself into a fat burner I got this email from a reader :
Good luck in trying to lose some weight. You're doctor knows what they are talking about, and you'll feel way better!!
Way to look out for me!
And you're right Katherine.
I know that I will feel better after losing the weight and I know that my doctor is right.
That doesn't make it easy to take the advice though.
I've never been a fan of doctors but I know that they are far more educated than me on the subjects which I only pretend to know about
Technorati Tags: [A] [Little] [About] [Me]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 11:46 AM 0 comments
"Jesus Camp" This Time It's Personal
Dear Constant Reader,
I was a Catholic man.
I still remember the clack of the rosaries, the habits of the nuns and that high sweet smell of the incense.
Despite my atheistic view of the world I still go back to the many memories that I had of sitting in church for mass or acting as altar boy.
Sometimes it's good to go back to when you believed.
And somtimes it's good to go back to why you stopped believing in the first place.
I have seen the documentary "Jesus Camp" twice now and I am more than a little worried at the state people have gotten themselves into over their religious beliefs.
You can trust me when I say that getting yourself riled up about the things in which you have faith ain't worth having people see you as utterly insane.
Technorati Tags: [A] [Little] [About] [Me]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 11:28 AM 3 comments
Last night ...
Dear Constant Reader,
Last night I watched "The Prince Of Tides". This is truly one of the most heart wrenching movies that I've seen in a while and it's tempted me to take a sojourn to Carolina.
There are an abundance of haunted hot spots there that I would love to be able to dig my teeth into.
The other thing that calls me there is family.
I have cousins who have scooped up a pair of beautiful Outer Banks rentals that might be a good summer getaway for me.
I've not seen my Southern family since I was a kid and am tempted to pack up for the summer and head on down to visit them.
It would certainly be a good thing for me to get out of the Canadian doom and gloom.
Technorati Tags: [The] [Prince] [Of] [Tides]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 11:21 AM 0 comments
Money Money Money
Dear Constant Reader,
Oh what rough hell to be broke.
One of my biggest problems is that I can never seem to budget properly.
I have hundreds of sticky notes all over the place with things that need to be paid and it goes ignored.
I've tried keeping everything in a little book and that goes ignored as well.
I have been seriously considering budgeting software since it would be something that I would see everyday. I'm on the computer everyday and so it would always be in my face.
It may be the best solution for someone to tends to want to ignore things like money problems like that plague.
Technorati Tags: [Money] [Budget] [Cash] [Software]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 11:16 AM 0 comments
Weight Loss Worries
Dear Constant Reader,
My doctor has been telling me that I need to lose some weight so that I might clear up a few health issues I've been having.
I already know that I'm terrible with dieting because I just love to eat. I come from a family that loves to eat. Most of them have died because of it.
I've been taking a look at other alternatives like Phentermine which may be a quick and healthy way for my to blast away the unwanted extra pounds.
It's a natural appetite suppressant which may be just the thing that I need.
I would rather put some natural in my body than something packed with ingredients that could cause me more trouble than it's actually worth.
Technorati Tags: [Phentermine] [Weight Loss] [Health] [Help]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 11:09 AM 0 comments
Catching Up
Dear Constant Reader,
I'm a bad bad blogger.
I haven't blogged in a couple days so prepare for :
1. Lots of posting today.
2. The next part in my conspiracy education series.
3. My usual crazy ramblings which only make sense to sane people.
Technorati Tags: [A] [Little] [About] [Me]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 11:05 AM 0 comments
Anna Nicole's Gonna Get Her A-Buryin'
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Dear Constant Reader,
Well they're going to bury the porpoise in the Bahamas next to the son that turned out just like her.
Rest In Peace Free Willy! :
Mad TV - Anna Nicole Smith Show
SNL - Anna Nicole - Smurfette
Technorati Tags: [Anna Nicole Smith] [Anna Nicole] [Found] [Dead]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 8:54 PM 1 comments
Feeling More Cranky Today
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Dear Constant Reader,
Yesterday I was feeling miserable and today I'm feeling worse.
I'm not sure what to make of this as everything is going well (so far) in my life.
I find myself getting irritated at things that wouldn't irritate anybody and bored with things that I normally enjoy. I find myself losing my temper with people easily and not really caring that I hurt their feelings.
What's gotten into me?
I was in such a sour mood last night that I had to take a sleeping pill just so that I would even be in the mood to go bed. Even going to be bed is aggrivating!
I'm seeing my doctor tomorrow and hopefully she can solve the mystery that is my current state of mind.
Technorati Tags: [I'm] [Just] [Fed] [Up]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 2:08 PM 1 comments
It's My Market - Classifieds
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Dear Constant Reader,
If you live in the UK and are looking for an all-around site that meets just some of the following needs : blogs, web page hosting, dating and classifieds then I have got the site for you.
The folks over at have put together a one stop site for some of the most frequent services used and it's a darn snappy looking site as well.
They have also held some photo competitions and some of the great photographs appear in their archives.
It's more than just classifieds folks. Anybody can put together a classifieds site. This site goes beyond that and is a total social community.
Follow the links within this post to pay them a visit and get started today!
This post is brought to you by
Technorati Tags: [UK Classifieds] [UK] [London Blog] [London]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 6:21 PM 0 comments
ICE-T's Rap School : What Is Wrong With Us?
Dear Constant Reader,
I'm sitting here watching an episode of "Ice-T's Let's Laugh At White People". That's not the official title of course but who the hell cares? The important thing is that our children learn how to speak incoherently and load a gun for that all important driveby.
And don't you even dare accuse me of racism. If you don't mind raising a whigger then that's your problem but don't make it ours. The moment your child uses the term "bust a cap in dat ass" please smother them with a pillow. I'm not even messing with you. Put down your copy of "O" magazine, turn off Martha Stewart and smother that little monster before it's too late.
Oh and don't let your children watch this show so you won't have to smother them with a pillow.
Technorati Tags: [Ice-T] [Rap Music] [Rap Sucks] [Rap]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 6:13 PM 1 comments
Web 2.0 Scares Me
Dear Constant Reader,
If you haven't seen this video yet (and who the hell hasn't?) then here's your chance.
It's all a little creepy to me and I'm pretty sure we've all become slaves but most of us are too busy eating snacks and watching reality television to give a crap.
The internet is eating us slowly and only the strong will be crapped out alive.
Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us
Technorati Tags: [Web 2.0] [YouTube] [The Matrix] [Internet]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 5:38 PM 0 comments
Dear Constant Reader,
I have several Belisi ties in my wardrobe for those times that require something eye catching to wear with a suit. These are truly the best quality ties that you could ever possibly have.
Belisi is a name that I trust for the most luxerious in formal accesories and I won't wear anything else around my neck but Belisi. has all the information you could possibly want about the man behind the company and plenty of information about their classy product line.
Peter Belisi has had a great rag to riches story that has only just begun.
Learn more about this man made company that makes man look good today.
Technorati Tags: [Belisi] [Peter Belisi] [Menswear] [Men]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 5:19 PM 0 comments
More Happy In Pants Time
Dear Constant Reader,
It has become clear to me that AXE Body Spray is responsible for me getting so laid tonight that I won't even be able to handle it.
I went to lunch with my ***kbuddy today and she told me that I "smelled ***kable* and looked ***kable too". I asked her if she wanted to come over after work and she said "yes".
It's because I was a whore for the commercials for AXE that chicks are tossing *u*sy at me like their a hungry man wanting a sandwich. The only difference is that their the ones who get eaten.
I realize that if I'm not writing sponsored posts or writing about my weird interests that I can't stop talking about *u*sy. That's because I love it! Is that a bad thing? Am I really like every typical guy out there who only thinks about one thing? I like to believe that I'm not but it's true.
Women like to claim that they don't talk about men's no-no area but they are lying!
Now I'm off to shower and spritz my special parts for the big night.
And how is your night starting off?
Technorati Tags: [Happy] [Slap] [And] [Tickle]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 5:05 PM 0 comments
Drug Rehab Is Always The Right Choice
Dear Constnat Reader,
A few months ago a good friend of mine completed a successful period in drug rehab.
He was so unhappy in his life that he thought there was no hope for him to ever be free. He would talk a lot about how low he was and was never without a cocktail of various drugs in his system.
He then made the choice that he wanted to get help. He made the right decision and is now drug free.
If you know someone who is going through a drug abuse problem there is help out there for them. Don't wait until it's too late to connect them with those who can offer the assistance they need.
It's the right choice to make.
Technorati Tags: [Drug Rehab] [Drug Use] [Drugs] [Rehab]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 4:38 PM 0 comments
Unsigned Bands
Dear Constant Reader,
If you love finding undiscovered musicians as much as I do and you're a fan of Metalcore Bands (and so much more!) then you need to check out the site contained within this post for the best of the undiscovered.
There is so much musical talent out there waiting to be found, listened to and enjoyed and now's your chance to do just that.
There is so much great talent out there that's looking for it's audience and this great site has gathered them together for your enjoyment.
Find any kind of music that you love and get to know the bands and artists before they make it big!
This post is brought to you by
Technorati Tags: [Unsigned] [Bands] [Music] [Metalcore]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 12:30 AM 0 comments
Britney Spears Goes Bald - And we should care because?
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Dear Constant Reader,
Isn't it amazing what we consider to be news?
Are our own lives so empty that we feel the need to cling to celebrities like dying leeches?
Well it seems we are!
from ""
Britney Spears Goes Bald
Britney Spears checked into a rehab facility and then abruptly checked out, a source confirms to PEOPLE. And then on Friday, she returned to Southern California – and she shaved her head completely bald.
I hope that she's not going for the Sinead O'Connor look because that makes me really soft in my "down there" area.
I still think that the real concern here is why the hell something like this makes headline news.
I honestly don't give a flying turd what celebrity has decided to shave whatever part they've decided to shave. It's our business why?
Get a life people!
Technorati Tags: [Britney Spears] [Is Not] [That] [Important]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 9:15 PM 0 comments
I Got My Glasses Again
Friday, February 16, 2007
Dear Constant Reader,
After one mis-fit and one crooked frame I finally got my glasses.
It sure does feel weird looking at the world through lenses after not being able to do so for so long.
It's upsetting that I can't enjoy them more because of the way my family is reacting to my sister (apparently) being a lesbian.
Technorati Tags: [A] [Little] [About] [Me]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 10:47 AM 0 comments
There's Always A Misunderstanding
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Dear Constant Reader,
Today a friend of mine asked me how much I charge to visit a home when something supernatural enters the home. That something being a spirit and/or spirits.
I told that it's anywhere from $75 - $250 and that depends on the situation.
After we spoke for 15 minutes about what was going on in her home I said "and that's the $75 part".
I worry that I might have been misunderstood when I heard her reaction. I didn't have time to explain and so I'm doing it here. This will explain better to her and let you in on a little of what I do.
The $75 dollars comes in when I need to go to the home, interview the family, do a 30 minute EVP session and attempt to make contact. All of these things (except for the interview your family part) were what she needs to do not what I need to do. Because she's doing it there is no fee. There wouldn't be a fee for her anyways because I don't charge friends for my services.
I'm also not suggesting that you try any of these things without a professional.
I told her to do these things because she's got a strong magical force about her. I would never suggest anyone try fiddling with things they know nothing about.
Several other reasons why my fee starts at $75 for a visit include :
o I'm good at what I do. Really good. I'm not saying that to brag I'm saying it because it's true.
o This line of work can be physically, mentally and emotionally draining.
o It's my time and my time is worth something to me. I don't have a steady 9to5 job that I get paid hourly to do. The work is sporadic.
o This work is dangerous at times. If something hurts me and I can't work I have to make sure that I'm getting paid well for what I do.
o Occasionally I spend time with a family only to find out that what's happening in their house isn't paranormal and I've wasted an entire evening for nothing.
I hope that's a good explantion!
Technorati Tags: [A] [Little] [About] [Me]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 2:36 PM 2 comments
Ms. Netiquette My Butt - A Little War Talk & The Dixie Chicks Rock!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Dear Constant Reader,
There's a section over at Pogo called "Ms. Netiquette". In it players write letters to a staffer regarding the behavior of other players.
There were a few letters that ground my gears and since I don't work for Pogo I thought I'd reprint those letters here and give my response.
Let's start with this delicate nancy-pants who's husband is serving in Iraq.:
Dear Ms. Netiquette:
The other night I was in a chat room, and a few people began chatting about someone they knew, whose husband recently died in Iraq, and how they had just had a child.
It makes me nervous hearing conversations like those, as my husband is in Iraq, too. And I am three months pregnant with our second child. I don't want to lessen the tragic loss of this man's life, but I don't like hearing about people dying there, when I worry for my husband's safety every day. What is the polite and/or proper way to ask these people to move their conversation to private chat?
Thank you!
Worried about all our soldiers
My Response :
Yes let's dance around people's delicate feelings about a war that should never have happened by not talking about it.
You have no right to ask people to not talk about the war and the deaths that are occuring during "Bush's Oversea Houseparty!"
If you don't want to hear some truths about war then use your mute button and let people goddamn well express themselves.
I have a friend who's daughter is entering the National Guard but that's not going to make me shut my piehole about the stupidity of war and the military.
I certainly don't want anyone to die or get hurt but if we don't deal with the fact that people are dying over there then we're not dealing with it properly.
I am vehemently opposed to any war regardless of who started it but that doesn't mean that I should shut up and play nice.
Natalie Maines (of "The Dixie Chicks") had her life threatened because she used her right to speak up.
What the hell kind of world is this?
Guess who won the Grammy for Best Country Album last night? The Dixie Chicks for their album "Taking The Long Way Home".
Take that "Ms. I Don't Want People To Say Death Or War around me".
The Dixie Chicks accept their Grammy :
And here's the song that was written about Natalie (with Natalie on lead vocals of course) getting shunned and attacked for speaking her mind on Bush ...
"Not Ready To Make Nice" by The Dixie Chicks :
You Go Girls!
Technorati Tags: [The Dixie Chicks] [Are] [The] [Best]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 4:32 PM 0 comments
Yay I'm A Pansy Man!
Dear Constant Reader,
Today I took the "Man Test" located here : Man Test. Here are my results :
Your score is (out of 60)
The chances are slim to none that you get any action from women. That's because you are less of a man than Richard Simmons. At least, he has his fat girls. But that's okay because you will be invited to all the cool knitting parties.
Okay now telling me that I'm less of man than Richard Simmons may be true but I've slept with fat women. Richard's only sweated to the oldies with them.
The thing is that fat chicks are so grateful in bed that they just try harder than you anorexic ladies!
Technorati Tags: [Takin'] [The] [Man] [Test]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 11:21 AM 1 comments
Evangelical Scientists Refute Gravity With New 'Intelligent Falling' Theory
Dear Constant Reader,
You know that there has to be Christians out there who actually believe this.
And please don't send me comments telling me that "The Onion" is fictionalized news.
from "The Onion"
KANSAS CITY, KS—As the debate over the teaching of evolution in public schools continues, a new controversy over the science curriculum arose Monday in this embattled Midwestern state. Scientists from the Evangelical Center For Faith-Based Reasoning are now asserting that the long-held "theory of gravity" is flawed, and they have responded to it with a new theory of Intelligent Falling.
"Things fall not because they are acted upon by some gravitational force, but because a higher intelligence, 'God' if you will, is pushing them down," said Gabriel Burdett, who holds degrees in education, applied Scripture, and physics from Oral Roberts University.
Read More : Evangelical Scientists Refute Gravity With New 'Intelligent Falling' Theory
Technorati Tags: [The Onion] [Fake] [Christian] [News]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 11:06 AM 0 comments
Two Songs
Monday, February 12, 2007
Dear Constant Reader,
There are two songs from the soundtrack of "The Devil Wears Prada" that I cannot stop listening to.
Here's the videos boys and girls.
Just make sure that you watch the amazing, brilliant movie that these songs are featured in as well.
"Suddenly I See" by KT Tunstall
"Beautiful" by Moby
Technorati Tags: [KT Tunstall] [Moby] [The Devil Wears Prada] [Music]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 8:32 PM 0 comments
My Day
Dear Constant Reader,
A little list of things I did today :
o Woke up to a ranty client with a drama
o Pastor came to visit (show of hands of who didn't expect to see that on my list)
o Doctor's appointment (yay I have a leg infection!)
o Work
o Shopping
o Home with a cigarette and a pot of orange spice tea
It's been a really good day.
I also deleted a few posts because one made me sound insane (which I don't need help sounding) and the other contained plans for the blog that I don't have to energy to start tonight.
But soon dear reader soon!
It has been a better Monday than I thought and the fact that I have a warm home (and pot of tea) to come to at the end of the day is enough to make me thankful.
We have a fridge of food, my glasses are paid for and I'm content.
Technorati Tags: [A] [Really] [Good] [Day]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 6:34 PM 1 comments
Thank Ghosts For Emergencies
Dear Constant Reader,
I received a panicky phone call from a client this morning telling me that something bad was happening with her daughter.
I asked her to be more specific because she literally said "something bad is happening with my daughter".
She gave me some specifics and I knew that a house cleaning was in order.
Because I disbanded my staff several months ago I'll have to go it alone this evening. Fun!
The point of this pointless story is that because this woman's daughter thinks she's a witch I will make over $250 dollars today.
Don't even get me started on people who think they are witches or psychics or spell casters (or whatever the hell fantasy they have) and aren't even able to spot a cheating husband.
If you have a Quija board in your house as a "fun thing to do" don't get me started on you either.
You'll excuse me if I rant but I'm actually quite pleased that I am profiting off someone elses' spiritual stupidity.
Technorati Tags: [Your] [Husband Is Cheating] [On] [You]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 12:20 PM 2 comments
Oh My God
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Dear Constant Reader,
Our washer and dryer broke down this evening.
This is really not something additional that we needed to deal with.
I'd put my head in the oven but it's not working properly either.
Would it be too much to ask for a meteor to crash through the roof of our house?
Technorati Tags: [I'm] [Just] [Fed] [Up]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 5:26 PM 0 comments
Unstable Pogo Stalkers
Dear Constant Reader,
Today a player won $4999.99 in a Pogo room that I happened to be playing in. Immediately players began to flock to the room (because it's broadcast to all rooms) and began demanding that this winner tell them where they were from.
Three players in particular got very demanding with this person and when I commented that they were loony they immediately got even loonier.
They began to check out the winner's profile and "investigating" who this person possibly could be. After they'd each done a little bit of research they would start comparing notes.
What the hell is wrong with people these days?
Can't someone have a bit of luck without the rest of the world leeching onto them?
The players who were stalking this poor person are as follows :
Considering that they all have numbers at the ends of their names it makes one wonder if it's the same crazy person all wrapped into one.
If you see these people on Pogo I would suggest running in the other direction.
I've never met three more unstable individuals in my life.
Technorati Tags: [Some] [Scary] [Pogo] [Freaks]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 7:28 AM 0 comments
Paul McCartney Teaches Us How To Make Mashed Potatoes
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Dear Constant Reader,
If you've ever wanted to learn how to make mashed potatoes from a wife beater then here's your chance.
Paul McCartney Making Mashed Potatoes :
Technorati Tags: [Paul McCartney] [Makes] [Mashed] [Potatoes]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 11:38 AM 2 comments
Online Flower Delivery
Dear Constant Reader,
Valentine's Day is coming and what better way to say "I love you" then a delightful bouquet of that special someone's favorite flower?
And what better way to get those flowers then online flower delivery?
With online flower delivery you can quickly order a beautiful arrangment of flowers from the convenience of home.
Not only is this the most conveninant way to get flowers out to your loved ones but the prices are perfect for your pocketbook.
Simply follow the links within this post to start flower shopping and get your loved one a beautiful bouquet.
This post is brought to you by
Technorati Tags: [Easy] [Digital] [Flower] [Delivery]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 7:38 AM 0 comments
What A Tragic Weekend
Dear Constant Reader,
Where should I start by whine and moan session?
I woke up with a cold that I've been wrestling with for months and my head is full of the most interesting liquids possible.
Secondly I've been getting really blinding headaches lately because I still haven't got my glasses yet. I can't afford to get them yet (they were a hideous price) and so I've been eating Advil like candy and praying for the money fairy to fart out some cash at the front door.
Between the headaches and the head cold this is turning out to be one heck of a wonderful weekend for me.
Technorati Tags: [What] [A] [Tragic] [Weekend]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 7:31 AM 0 comments
Reef Sandals
Friday, February 09, 2007
Dear Constant Reader,
If you're looking to slip your toes into something comfortable then you need to take a look at the deliciousness of reef sandals
These delightfully comfortable toe-huggers are the perfect way for you to take a stroll through your day.
The sandals come in a variety of sizes and the prices are outstanding.
Give your feet a gift and check out reef sandals today.
This post is brought to you by
Technorati Tags: [Reef] [Sandals] [Great] [Footwear]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 2:10 PM 0 comments
I Didn't Want To Like Borat Until I Saw This ...
Dear Constant Reader,
I couldn't believe how quickly the character of Borat (played by Sacha Baron Cohen) was able to bring out such blatant racism in people who knew they were on camera.
I was shocked and amused.
I realize that not all country/western southern types are like this but yipes!
Borat - S02E03 - Guide to Country Music
Technorati Tags: [Borat] [Country] [Music] [Guide]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 10:34 AM 0 comments
Visiting And Living In Italy
Dear Constant Reader,
One of my biggest childhood memories is taking a trip to Italy.
I have an entire collection of photographs of one of the most beautiful places on earth.
The museums, the architecture, and the outstanding food.
My visit to Tuscany opened me up to things that I might never see again and things that I would love to see again.
One of my dreams is to have a piece of property in Tuscany that I can call my own.
To be there again is something I hold on when things get the hardest for me.
I suggest that you consider exploring Italy when you have the chance.
This post is brought to you by
Technorati Tags: [Property] [In] [Tuscany] [Italy]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Dear Constant Reader,
God I'm in a Anna Nicole hating mood today.
I found this over at National Nitwit and got one big friggen giggle over it.
from "National Nitwit"
(London) Pop singer Sir Elton John, who has released version of the song "Candle in the Wind" for Marilyn Monroe and Princess Diana, is in his East London studio developing a new version of the song for pop icon Anna Nicole Smith who died yesterday of unknown causes.
John said that he was moved by the life of the late Anna Nicole.
"In so many ways she paralled Marilyn, and I would be remiss in my duties if I didn't offer her a eulogical song," he said, wiping away tears. "Plus, I sold like 33 million copies of 'Candle 1997' for Lady Di, so I'd be a fucking wanker to pass this opportunity up."
Read the whole thing : Elton John Races to Remix "Candle" for Anna Nicole Smith
Technorati Tags: [Anna Nicole Smith] [Anna Nicole] [Found] [Dead]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 9:25 AM 0 comments
Anna Nicole Smith Dead
Dear Constant Reader,
I wonder who exactly is shocked by the death of this drug addicted cow of a human being? Anyone who's had family members who are addicts would've seen this happy event arrive from a mile away.
At least now her family and "friends" won't have to put up with her pharmaceutical antics anymore.
You know you're in trouble when the first person to comment about your empty life is Hugh Hefner. I'm sure Larry Flynt would've had something to say but he's too gimped up about the whole affair.
Anna Nicole Smith Dead at 39
Reality TV star, actress and former model Anna Nicole Smith has died after collapsing in Hollywood, Florida. The 39-year-old was found unconscious in her hotel room at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino yesterday afternoon. According to hotel officials, Smith was "unresponsive" and emergency crews performed Cpr at the scene and a breathing apparatus was inserted in her throat. Paramedics were seen pumping her chest as she was taken from the hotel and transported to Memorial Regional Hospital in Hollywood. She died at 2:49 pm ET. Local streets were closed off to rush Smith to the hospital, three miles away. Her five-month-old daughter, Dannielynn, was not with her mother, sources say. The baby is being cared for by a family friend in The Bahamas, where Smith has been living since last summer. Anna Nicole was fighting eviction and paternity lawsuits at the time of her death. Ex-boyfriends Larry Birkhead and G. Ben Thompson had both filed lawsuits against the actress/model. Photojournalist Birkhead filed a paternity suit last year claiming he was the biological father of Smith's baby daughter Dannielynn, while developer Thompson has been fighting to evict her from the home he helped secure for her in the Bahamas last summer. On Wednesday, a California judge demanded Smith submit her baby daughter for a DNA test by February 21 - in an effort to end the battle over who the biological father of the baby is. At the time of her death, Smith was also fighting the estate of her late husband, oil tycoon J. Howard Marshall II, for a share of his estate. Marshall died in 1995. In 2002, she was awarded $88 million from the estate of her late husband, but was denied claim that she was also owed interest on that money. Smith's life has been rocked with the bizarre and the tragic with moments of happiness and success. Born Vicky Lynn Hogan in Houston, Texas, she started her career as a waitress in a fried chicken restaurant but tasted success as a Playboy model, actress and star of her own self-titled, bizarre reality TV show. Smith was named Playboy Playmate of the Month in May 1992 and Playboy Playmate of the Year in 1993. She shocked the world when she married J. Howard Marshall II in 1994 when she was 26 and the oil tycoon was almost 90. Last September was a joyful and terrible month for the actress - she gave birth to baby daughter Dannielynn just three days before her 20-year-old son Daniel died from a lethal overdose of methadone and anti-depressants in his mother's hospital room in the Bahamas. Best known as a socialite, public figure and diet product spokesmodel, Smith also appeared in a handful of movies, including The Hudsucker Proxy, The Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult and her final movie Illegal Aliens, which was released last year.
Hefner Pays Tribute to Anna Nicole
Playboy magazine boss Hugh Hefner has paid tribute to his former Playmate, Anna Nicole Smith, after hearing the actress/model had passed away in Florida. Smith was found unconscious in her hotel room at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino by her nurse yesterday. She died shortly after arriving at the Memorial Regional Hospital in Hollywood, Florida. She was 39. In a statement released yesterday, Hefner wrote, "I am very saddened to learn about Anna Nicole's passing. She was a dear friend who meant a great deal to the Playboy family and me personally. My thoughts and prayers are with her friends and loved ones during this difficult time." Smith was named Playboy Playmate of the Month in May 1992 and Playboy Playmate of the Year in 1993.
How She'll Be Remembered :
More News :
Anna Nicole Smith dies in Florida at 39
Technorati Tags: [Anna Nicole Smith] [Anna Nicole] [Found] [Dead]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 2:28 AM 0 comments
Poor Credit Loans
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Dear Constant Reader,
Every once in a while we all find ourselves needing extra money.
One option to get extra cash when you need it is to consider secured loans. This is a healthy way for you to be able to get the money you need, when you need it.
These can be difficult times for us all and it's good to know that there's a place that you can go for help.
Even if you have poor credit remember that you can get poor credit loans that will not only help you with those extra expenses but will help to re-establish your credit fast.
This post is brought to you by
Technorati Tags: [Loan] [Help] [For] [All]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 11:14 AM 0 comments
Grocery Shopping For Small Budgets
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Dear Constant Reader,
Today I am feeling informative.
I also happen to be feeling the pinch of having a job where income is mostly random.
I've been doing a lot of research on how to shop and cook on a limited nudget.
Today's post is about bringing those sites and suggestions to you.
One of the sites that I found is located here : Food And Grocery Shopping.
It's a site that's targeted at college students but the advice contained on it is helpful for anyone shopping on a small budget.
Some of the things that they cover are : Food Sharing, Food Budgeting, Budget Allocation, Picking the right supermarket or store and so much more.
I've compiled all of the links that I found that may be helpful during your next shopping trip.
I hope you find this list informative and if you have any other links or comments please feel free to pass them along in the comments section.
Great Advice Sites For Shoppers On A Budget :
- Food And Grocery Shopping
- Effective Grocery Shopping
- Grocery Shopping on a Budget - A great article!
- Money Saving Tips for Grocery Shopping - from
- - A mountain of great information!

Technorati Tags: [Shopping] [On] [Low] [Incomes]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Phones From
Dear Constant Reader,
If you are interested in purchasing cell phones for your family then you need to consider looking to the fine folks at
There is nowhere else on the web where you will find a wider selection and such absolutely unbeatable prices. These phones come with free shipping to boot!
It is important for all of us to stay connected in this unpredictable world and is your chance to get connected with cell phones that will blow your mind but not your pocketbook.
I was amazed at the phones and plans that offers and I know that they are the only company that you should deal with for all of your cellular phone needs.
You will simply not want to shop anywhere else for cell phones once you visit their impressive sites and see the range of products that they have to offer.
One of the most important items in my life is my cell phone. I refuse to go anywhere without it because I know that no matter where I am I can call who I want without the hassle of hunting for a payphone.
If you don't own a cellular then this is your chance to purchase it from a great site that will make the process for the first time buyer pain free.
I have been a cell phone user for many years and after looking at the phone and the plan that I have I realize that I should have gone to first.
Don't make the same mistakes that so many others make when deciding how to purchase cell phones and check out what these folks have to offer today.
I promise you that you will be doing yourself a huge favor in doing so.
Did I mention the free shipping? It's not easy to find much that's free in this world if you ask me.
This post is brought to you by
Technorati Tags: [Free] [Shipping] [Cell] [Phones]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 8:21 AM 0 comments
But I Thought Jesus Could Do Everything?!
Dear Constant Reader,
Today I got a spam about and I couldn't stop laughing.
Didn't Jesus make a big deal about money lenders? Or is this even more of the bible that Christians are going to deny so that they can make themselves feel about about their miserable lives?
We shouldn't be offering Christians debt assistance because they offer us nothing except laughs. Well then maybe we should offer them debt assistance because they do offer us laughs.
Boy do I stand corrected!
In Romans 13:8 it says (apparently) "Let no debt remain outstanding".
If you're late paying off this "Christian" loan will this company phone you at 7 am to yell at you for being a bad believer?
Did you know that every time you can't pay a bill Jesus gets the runs and has to sit in his cloud toilet for the entire day? This seems like a great inconvenience to your Lord and Savior doesn't it?
Technorati Tags: [Jesus] [I] [Need] [Money]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 6:49 AM 0 comments
Movies I've Been Watching A Lot Of Lately
Dear Constant Reader,
1. "The Breakfast Club"
This John Hughes classic never gets old.
2. "Cellular"
Kim Basinger can act.
3. "March Of The Penguins"
This documentary on the life of penguins is more interesting (and touching) than it sounds. Bring Kleenex!
4. "Pretty In Pink"
Another John Hughes film (this time as writer/producer) classic that never loses it's touch.
5. "The Muppet Movie"
Jim Henson and his gang were simply geniuses and Jim will be sadly missed by us older kids.
6. "Sixteen Candles"
John Hughes back in writer/director mode is a good thing.
7. "A Christmas Story"
A family Christmas story not exactly for the family. Sharp and very funny. Wanna know what my childhood was like? Watch this movie.
8. "This Film Is Not Yet Rated"
A documentary on the MPAA that's way too short but educational nonetheless. Wanna meet the kind of people that rate the movies you love? This film is for you.
9. "What Lies Beneath"
A creepy ghost story with a neat twist. Robert Zemeckis doesn't only direct pieces of shit like Forrest Gump.
10. "John Tucker Must Die"
Betty Thomas directs this sharp teen comedy that's almost something that John Hughes would do if he got back in the game.
11. "American Psycho"
Mary Harron (the director) turns an unreadable book into a funny and shocking delight of a film.
12. "Snakes On A Plane"
Painfully bad but addictive. Kind of like sex with a prostitute who's really good at sex but you know she's full of disease and badness.
13. "The Devil Wears Prada"
Meryl Streep chews the screen in this delicious comedy.
14. "The DaVinci Code"
Ron Howard makes a confusing book into an amazingly good movie.
Technorati Tags: [A] [Few] [Movie] [Thoughts]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 4:17 AM 0 comments
Review Of Service
Monday, February 05, 2007
Good Evening everyone. I am Angel from over at
I am doing a guest post here for Arthur. Actually it is more of a review of his services. Not that kind; nasty minded people. LMAO
No seriously, Arthur is a very close friend of mine and my family and has helped us through alot of issues. I know that I can go to him and recieve help with any spiritual problems I or my family may be experiencing.
Arthur is a renowned Psychic or Medium as some prefer. He is the REAL thing, no deception here. He is located in Canada and has 13 years experience in his field.
He has done past life reading for myself and my family, he has helped me with a nasty entity that was bothering my 12 year old son. He helped my children find peace with the passing of their grandfather and my mother come to terms with issues with her father. He knew things that have never been known to others about us and our relatives that have past. This is how I know he is the real thing.
Never in my life have I found someone who is the actual real thing. I have come across many fakes and was very disappointed. When I met Arthur it was very different and I knew just from our conversations that he was real.
Anyone out there with ghost porblems or want to reach friends or relatives that have past, I highly recommend Arthur. He also investages haunted houses and does reading of all kinds.
If you want the real deal, then go to him! He will do right by you and you will walk away a very happy client!
Technorati Tags: [Help] [Medium] [Psychic] [Ghosts]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 8:31 PM 0 comments
Our Drunken Landlord / Caretaker
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Dear Constant Reader,
Our caretaker has decided to have another one of his drunken weekends on the weekend that our toilet decides to stop working properly.
I'm getting so sick of repairs being done once every 8 months because our idiot caretaker cannot seem to control how much booze he intakes.
What's worse? His wife has started drinking too. I'm assuming this is why he's decided to raise the rent again. More money=more booze right?
He'll take weeks to come by to repair something but if we're more than 24 hours late within the rent he threatens to evict.
There aren't many people that I wish harm to but in his case I'll make an exception.
Technorati Tags: [Our] [Landlord] [Is] [Drunk]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 10:07 PM 2 comments
Payday Cash Advance Loans
Friday, February 02, 2007
Dear Constant Reader,
If you're looking for a way to help yourself through a financial squeeze then it's time that you considered Payday Cash Advance Loans.
It's the quickest and easiet for you to get a few extra bucks to help you over the humps that we all face in day to day living.
I've done it myself and don't regret it one bit.
If you need some extra dollars in your pocket you can follow the links contained with this post to get the information that you need if you're considering the route of Payday Cash Advance Loans.
This post is brought you by
Technorati Tags: [Payday] [Cash] [Advance] [Loans]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 1:14 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Dear Constant Reader,
I just got a call from a good **ckbuddy of mine who's going to be popping on over after she gets off work.
To quote Stifler from "American Pie" :
Steve Stifler: I'm gonna be like, "You like this shit Momma?" And then she'll be like, "Fuckin' right doggie. Suck on my nipples like, like you're milkin' a cow."
I'm so freaking happy!
Does that make me a pig?
Hell yeah and this evening this piggy is gonna get some!
Technorati Tags: [Happy] [Slap] [And] [Tickle]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 4:10 PM 5 comments