Quitting Smoking

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Hey hey hey hey ... ahem.
No I'm not going to quit smoking cause it's what all the cool manly-men do.
But that's besides the point!
I'm tired of hearing the anti-smoking crusaders moo about how dangerous smoking is for you when there are 800 pound people breaking benches with their enormous asses (and no the hydro lady is not scamming me Tom) because they can't control their food intake. Large people with a body odor problem is what's really dangerous don't you think?
I say that we need to start slapping the Twinkie's from people's paws instead of cigarettes.
You leave us smokers alone and we'll leave the enormous folks alone who think they need to inhale a dozen hot dogs for breakfast to be happy.

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bitingblondewit said...

Did one of those kids down the street steal your Zippo?

As a non-smoking health nazi, I should probably not be on your side here, but I've noticed that the only two groups that it's now acceptable to discriminate against are smokers and the overweight. Where I live, most establishments are now completely smoke-free, which drives my friend Jen (a pack a day smoker) NUTS...and it is unfair. You should be able to go to dinner and not have to stand in the middle of the street to have a cigarette bewteen courses, which is pretty much what the rules now require (No Smoking Withing XX Feet of Building).

wewerethecoolkids said...

The kids aren't actually down the street but merely next door. I swear their mother is Satan returned to earth. Honestly.

bitingblondewit said...

You should meet my mother sometime...your neighbor is merely a minion at best. When I started kindergarten, my teacher Mrs. Cook put all of our names on our desks (on pieces of construction paper) and then underneath that we were supposed whatver we were called at home...she was thinking abbreviations of our names, I'm sure. My mom ususally referred to me as the C-word, and I didn't know how to spell it. So I asked. Poor Mrs. Cook.

wewerethecoolkids said...

Holy God that's terrible :(
Mind you my father wasn't much better.


bitingblondewit said...

My mom is actually the good parent. But I did have a grandmother who was truly wonderful...and I like to think I turned out okay, so it's all good. Except for the chronic insomnia and the trust issues, but I get a lot done and people do kinda suck, so that's all good too:)

Sorry about your Konera issues. I can't really comment since I have no idea who they are or what they do. But they sound like they're a waste of oxygen.

wewerethecoolkids said...

Basically Kontera allows you to post more targeted ads into your blog right in your posts.


bitingblondewit said...

I can't even post a link to an old post...that sort of thing is way out of my scope. But good for you! I'm technologically illiterate :)