Don't believe me huh?
Check out the latest interview with our favorite she-male and tell me if this doesn't sound like something Fred Phelps and his psychotic family would say.
Technorati Tags: [Ann Coulter] [Gay] [Al Gore] [Bill Clinton]
Ann Coulter Calls Al Gore A "F**"
Monday, July 31, 2006
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 2:24 AM 1 comments
Feed the Hungry, Go to Jail?
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Clearly someone has gone and lost their mind.
In school (and church I might add) we are taught to share with others, to help others and to generally make sure that people are okay and now we see something like this?
How far apart from human can we actually become?
Feed the Hungry, Go to Jail?
Technorati Tags: [Homeless] [News] [Vegas] [Legal]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 11:45 PM 0 comments
For Tom
For the man who's cat poop fetishism knows no bounds:
The cat poop scene from "Anchorman": Voila
Technorati Tags: [Cowbell] [Will Ferrell] [Cat] [Movies]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 7:30 PM 0 comments
Well I Tried
I participated in Blogathon ... and failed (kinda).
I managed to last 8 am - 3:30 am (19 and a half hours) before I finally had to sleep.
I wasn't intending on falling asleep but my body decided otherwise and I guess that's sometimes how these things happen.
I want to thank Xara for her guest post, my sponsors and all the great folks I met during the AOL chat.
I'm leaving up all of my posts from the event for your entertainment and I've decided that I may actually try again next year.
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon] [Sleep] [Charity] [Friends]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 3:29 PM 3 comments
Blogathon Post #41 "Guest blogger speakth!"
Hi, I'm Xara from and I'm taking over from Arthur whose a bit knackered from the 'thon.
This is my 3rd time thonning in 4 years. Its all very exciting to be guest blogging for someone, its also surprising that I'm awake and it's almost 10AM. I finished at 2PM so we're coming up for the 4 hour mark, that point of no turning back where it's just eight more posts and then we're free to sleep the night away.
Since I've also got to write a post for my own blog, here's my thing: Name everything in front of me
1. iBook
2. External harddrive
3. Fluff that I used to stuff my arseberry
4. Sewing machine covered in pirate tape
5. Black felt
6. Camera phone
7. List of things I was going to make this blogathon, but didn't.
8. Crochet hook
9. Kid's scissors
10. Sewing supplies
11. Cup
12. Bonsai tree that needs watering
13. Lamp
14. Half a melon
15. Minidisk
16. Pot of paint
17. Ramekin dish
18. Painting of an obese sheep
19. Wallpaper that looks like its sodomising itself
20. Gecko stuffed with sand
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 3:59 AM 0 comments
Blogathon Post #40 "To Love And Die In Dixie"
One of my favorite kinds of music is Jazz. I love the eclecticism (is that a word?) of the music and it's the one kind of music that can soothe me regardless of the mood that I happen to be in.
What music really gets you going?
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 3:34 AM 1 comments
Blogathon Post #39 "Emission Impossible"
Where is the strangest place you've ever made love?
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 3:05 AM 2 comments
Blogathon Post #38 "A Fish Out Of Water"
Tell us about your first childhood pet!
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 2:34 AM 0 comments
Blogathon Post #37 "Mr. Saturday Knight"
Who is your hero? ... and tell us why!
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 2:04 AM 4 comments
Blogathon Post #36 "The Kiss Seen Round The World"
How old were you when you first got kissed by a girl/boy?
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 1:34 AM 4 comments
Blogathon Post #35 "Lethal Weapons"
Would you like to see another "Lethal Weapons" movie made?
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 1:01 AM 3 comments
Blogathon Post #34 "Death Lives"
So if you could completely avoid death and do whatever you wanted ... what would you do?
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 12:35 AM 2 comments
Bloggerthon Post #33 "And The Weiner Is"
A weiner related recipe.
Title: Spanish Hot Dogs and Rice
Categories: Pork, Kids
Servings: 4
1 cn Stewed tomatoes.
1/2 lb Hot dogs sliced 1/2"
3/4 c Green pepper, diced
3/4 c Onion, diced
Rice for 4 people
Contributed to the echo by: Marge Clark The recipe has no real a "what you have"... Spanish hot dogs & rice: Enough rice
for four people... put rice on to cook...while it's cooking slice as many
hot dogs as you have (lets say 1/2 pound or more) into pennies, about 1/2
inch thick. dice 1 green pepper...I used to use the frozen diced pepper and
use a couple of handsful..maybe 3/4 cup? Diced onion. ditto on the amount.
combine all the above, heat, while the rice is cooking...set the table and
spray on some perfume.
This is obviously not a gourmet feast for company. But everyone ATE it! and
there is little that's faster or easier!
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 12:05 AM 2 comments
Blogathon Post #32 "One If By Clam, Two If By Sea"
Saturday, July 29, 2006
A delicious clam chowder recipe.
Maine Clam Chowder Recipe
5 cups bottled clam juice
1 cup of flour
1 cup onion, finely diced
10 slices of cooked bacon, chopped
2 tablespoons of margarine
8 oz of cooked clams, chopped
4 medium potatoes, cooked and cut in bite sized chunks
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup light cream
1 teaspoon salt
freshly ground black pepper
Heat the clam juice in a large saucepan on medium heat. In a separate pan, melt margarine and saute the diced onions until they appear translucent. Add bacon and flour to the melted margarine and stir continuously for 5 minutes. Increase heat on clam juice to medium-high, and with a wire whisk, add flour, margarine and onion mixture to the liquid. Stir constantly, breaking up any lumps that form.
Add clams and stir. Add potato chunks, milk, cream, and salt and continue stirring. Decrease heat to medium-low, and allow to simmer for about 20 minutes, stirring frequently to avoid burning or sticking.
Serve hot with oyster crackers, adding freshly ground black pepper to taste.
If fresh clams are not available, substitute six ounces of canned clams, including the juice.
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 11:35 PM 0 comments
Blogathon Post #31 "Mr. Griffin Goes To Washington"
So Ann Coulter called Clinton gay?
It's time for Miss Thang to come out of the closet already.
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 11:05 PM 0 comments
Blogathon Post #30 "Brian Does Hollywood"
Name your favorite movie featuring a dog!
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 10:35 PM 5 comments
Blogathon Post #29 "The Thin White Line"
Oh but not that I'm encouraging or condoning drug use but ... what's the weirdest experience you've ever had while baked out of your skull.
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 10:04 PM 5 comments
Blogathon Post #28 "Fore, Father"
So does anybody out there play golf? If so ... why?
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 9:35 PM 1 comments
Blogathon Post #27 "Wasted Talent"
So the question is do you have any unusual talent? I want to hear something really unusual.
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 9:04 PM 5 comments
Blogathon Post #26 "The Story On Page One"
What do you think has been the most influential and newsmaking event in the past 6 years?
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 8:35 PM 4 comments
Blogathon Post #25 "E. Peterbus Unum"
So folks. If you could take over a country which one would you choose?
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 8:04 PM 4 comments
Blogathon Post #24 "He's Too Sexy For His Fat"
Alright I'm a pretty big guy myself who's slept with thousands of women ... okay that's a lie. What I wanna know is do fat folks have more fun?
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 7:34 PM 0 comments
Blogathon Post #23 "There's Something About Paulie"
Does anyone remember Pauly Shore? Can you tell me what McDonalds he's currently the janitor at?
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 7:04 PM 2 comments
Blogathon Post #22 "Dammit, Janet"
Hey hey!. Are there "Rocky Horror Picture Show" fans out there? Sponsor a fellow fan in Blogathon 2006! You see the link ... so use it! :)
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 6:37 PM 6 comments
Blogathon Post #21 "Let's Go To The Hop"
I have never attempted to lick a toad to get stoned (nor am I suggesting or condoning it) have you?
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 6:04 PM 0 comments
Blogathon Post #20 "Road To Rhode Island"
"The Road To Rhode Island" is one of the best "Family Guy" episodes out there. Come on you know the song!
"Road to Rhode Island" lyrics (from "Family Guy" episode "Road To Rhode Island")
We're off on the road to Rhode Island
We're having the time of our lives.
Stewie: Take it dog...
Brian: We're quite a pair of partners,
Just Like Thelma and Louise.
'cept you're not six feet tall
Stewie: And your breasts don't reach your knees.
Brian: Give it time.
We're off on the road to Rhode Island,
We're certainly going in style.
Brian: I'm with an intellectual, who craps inside his pants.
Stewie: How dare you. At least I don't leave urine stains on all the household plants.
Brian: Oh, pee jokes
We've travelled a bit and we've found,
Like a masochist in Newport we're Rhode Island bound.
Brian: Crazy travel conditions, huh?
Stewie: First class and no class
Brian: Woa, careful with that joke, it's an antique
We're off on the road to Rhode Island
We're not going to stop until we're there (Brian: Maybe for a beer).
Brian: Whatever dangers we may face, we'll never fear or cry
Stewie: That's right, until we're syndicated Fox will never let us die
We're off on the road to Rhode Island,
The home of that old campus swing.
Brian: We may pick up some college girls, and picnic on the grass.
Stewie: We'd tell you more, but we would have the censors on our ass. (Yikes!)
We're off on the road to Rhode Island
We certainly do get around.
Like a bunch of renegade pilgrims
Who are thrown out of Plymouth colony.
We're Rhode Island bound.
Or like a group of College Freshmen
who were rejected by Harvard and forced to go to Brown.
We're Rhode Island bound!
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 5:34 PM 0 comments
Blogathon Post #19 "Fifteen Minutes Of Shame"
This topic was suggested by kweeeeeeeee over at Punny.Org
10 Things To Do With A Newspaper When You're Trapped In An Elevator
- Make a pirate hat
- Make an adult diaper for yourself in case you need to go potty
- Pee on the floor and make a sailboat
- Write your last will and testament on it before the shaft plummets to the bottom
- Do the crosswords
- Find a date
- Eat it when you begin starving
- Use it to wipe if you make poopy
- Paper airplane!
- Write a "HELP ME" note to slide between the doors

Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 5:04 PM 0 comments
Blogathon Post #18 "A Picture's Worth A Thousand Bucks"
Everyone loves an inspirational piece of art. Do you have a a piece of sculpture and/or painting that moves you whenever you see it?. Let us know.
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 4:35 PM 0 comments
Blogathon Post #17 "Running Mates"
Clinton or Bush ... who would you plow or let plow you?
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 4:04 PM 2 comments
Blogathon Post #16 "If I'm Dyin', I'm Lyin'"
Holy potatoes do I have nothing to write about or what?
So if you're dyin' or lyin' leave a comment.
Okay not if you're dying 'cause that's just freakin' depressing.
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 3:33 PM 0 comments
Blogathon Post #15 "I Am Peter, Hear Me Roar"
I love chicks.
I am all about the chick's lib thing so why can't I find a woman who wants to do strange and unusal things to me?
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 3:04 PM 2 comments
Blogathon Post #14 "The King Is Dead"
We all know that Elvis got really wasted one day and died on the toilet (humiliating!) so why do people think that he's still alive? It's not like he's Jesus. Mind you Jesus couldn't really play the guitar. Oh and Jesus wasn't real. But Elvis was. Or was he? Ooooh creepy.
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 2:34 PM 0 comments
Blogathon Post #13 "Death Is A B****"
Isn't it though?
I mean who out there wants to die with the mud and worms?
This is completely why I want to be creamated when I finally miss the next bus.
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 2:04 PM 0 comments
Blogathon Post #12 "Love Thy Trophy"
What I would like to see someone do is explain to me why people enjoy watching and/or participating in sports.
I realize the excerise part of the particpatory side but ... why watch?
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 1:36 PM 0 comments
Blogathon Post #11 "Brian In Love"
Love sucks.
It's the absolute worst thing that anyone can go through. Especially after it's gone.
I get my heart broken TONS and somehow I keep going.
But why?
Three good reasons.
Go ahead give them to me.
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 1:04 PM 3 comments
Blogathon Post #10 "Da Boom"
If my fellow 'thonners are looking for a great way to pass some time head over here:
A Collection Of Great Arcade Games
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 12:36 PM 2 comments
Blogathon Post #9 "Holy Crap"
Oh I know that you're thinking "gasp he used the "H" word".
Well that's not really the point of what I want to talk about.
I know that there's a lot of people out there who dig on the whole Jesus thing but ... why?
What part of your lives is so very empty that you feel the need to stuff it with supernatural clap-trap like a Messiah?
Couldn't you just take up a hobby?
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 12:04 PM 1 comments
Blogathon Post #8 "Peter Peter Caviar Eater"
Let's have a little recipie for all us really really wealthy folks hm?
Get more bang for your buck by stretching out expensive caviar in this rich dip made with cottage cheese, sour cream, scallions, and hard-boiled eggs.
* 2 ounces Black Romanov caviar
* 3 scallions, chopped fine
* 2 bunches parsley, chopped fine
* 1/2 lemon
* 1 pint small curd cottage cheese
* 1/2 cup light sour cream
* 3 hard-boiled eggs
* Crackers
Chop hard-boiled egg whites and yolks separately. Mix sour cream, egg whites and cottage cheese together.
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 11:34 AM 0 comments
Blogathon Post #7 "Brian: Potrait Of A Dog"
We have a dog across the street who enjoys howling. Night and day the thing is constantly going to town.
I've wondered what could be causing it to do this and I've realized it's probably trying to tell me to do things to myself.
But it won't work!
All I need is a large glass of warm milk, some freshly baked cookies and a good book and that should keep the dog's instructions at bay.
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 11:04 AM 2 comments
Blogathon Post #6 "The Son Also Draws"
Okay so I'm eating the cheeseburger. I feel so ashamed and concerned that I'll never get a date for the Fall Fling. I'd weep but I can't! I must blog. Okay and maybe I'll eat two cheeseburgers and get even larger and then I can be on Maury Povich!
Hey over-eating could very well make me a national star!
Or maybe I'll just get really sick and end up laying under my desk.
So maybe that's not such a good idea?
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 10:34 AM 0 comments
Blogathon Post #5 "A Hero Sits Next Door"
I decided not to eat the burger.
I swore I heard a cow screaming as I approached the fridge.
Or it just may have been the neighbor lady ingested too many of some chemical of her choice and is having an angry conversation with her toaster. I'm pretty sure she's the most messed up person currently on our planet.
Well I guess I'll have to wait till her house burns down and she's crushed beneath some rubble. I'm so hosting a marshmallow roast on that day !
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 10:04 AM 0 comments
Blogathon Post #4 "Mind Over Murder"
There appears to be a leftover cheeseburger in the fridge. You're probably wondering what my obsession with food is. Well the fact of the matter is constant eating keeps me from murdering the neighbors and their children. If you've followed this blog you know they are evil and so stuffing myself with food keeps me from having the ability to ax them to death!
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 9:35 AM 0 comments
Blogathon Post #3 "Chitty Chitty Death Bang"
Well the first hour was thrilling. I ate another muffin but now I'm completely out of muffins so I think I'll be forced to move on to actual food.
I'm sure some people consider muffin's food but they are really just things to throw at your loved ones when they laugh at you for having to stay awake 24 hours.
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 9:04 AM 2 comments
Blogathon Post #2 "I Never Met The Dead Man"
Well the first 30 minutes have passed and I still haven't had my coffee yet. That can't be a good thing right? I did eat 3 muffins though so I'll probably be pooping an awful lot in just a few moments (I've had way more than my fill of bran at this point) and that's upsetting.
I may have to move the computer into the washroom or else stop eating muffins.
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 8:34 AM 2 comments
Blogathon Post #1 "Death Has A Shadow"
OMG! It's Blogathon baby! Well gosh I am just so wide awake and so freaking alert it's amazing! I feel energized and ready to rock and roll. I've got my soda, my ciggies, some DVD's and a good book.
I'm so excited and I just can't hide it!
Well ... that's a good start isn't it?
Technorati Tags: [Blogathon]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 8:04 AM 1 comments
Mel Gibson Busted for DUI
Friday, July 28, 2006
Jesus is so very upset right now.
Mel Gibson was arrested by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department in Malibu, Calif. early this morning for suspicion of DUI. Bail was set at $5,000.
read more | digg story
Technorati Tags: [Mel Gibson] [Drunk] [DUI] [Gossip]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 6:59 PM 1 comments
Kontera Rejects Me ... and my response
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Recently I applied to add Kontera's ad technology to my site. I was rejected. Here is the email they sent me along with my response.
Their Email:
----- Original Message -----
From: Kontera Support
To: ******
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2006 12:43 PM
Subject: Pending Kontera Application - wewerethecoolkids
Dear Arthur,
Thank you for your application. Upon review of your site, we are concerned your site has mature content. If you have additional sites that could be a better fit for our technology we will be happy to reconsider those sites.
To submit your site for reconsideration, you can resubmit your site again here:
Be sure to list any areas of your site you think we may have missed, new sites you would like us to consider and/or other details that will assist us in making our decision.
Thank you again for your interest in Kontera. We look forward to hearing back from you.
Kontera Support
"Creating In-Text Relevance"
My Response:
To Whom It May Concern,
My site is a perfect fit for your "technology" but after great consideration I've decided to not associate myself with a group of politically correct, uptight prigs.
I understand that your advertisers may have a problem with my content but it's their problem not mine.
My site has developed a small yet strong following of consumers whom I'm sure would be more than interested in purchasing the products sold through your ads. At least they would have.
Because of the attitude of you (and I shall assume your advertisers) that's not going to happen.
I've yet to hear of a company that wouldn't allow me to buy their products because of my penchant for dropping of the occasional and well-timed F-bomb.
Technorati Tags: [Kontera] [Ads] [Advertising] [Idiots]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 9:18 PM 1 comments
Quitting Smoking
Hey hey hey hey ... ahem.
No I'm not going to quit smoking cause it's what all the cool manly-men do.
But that's besides the point!
I'm tired of hearing the anti-smoking crusaders moo about how dangerous smoking is for you when there are 800 pound people breaking benches with their enormous asses (and no the hydro lady is not scamming me Tom) because they can't control their food intake. Large people with a body odor problem is what's really dangerous don't you think?
I say that we need to start slapping the Twinkie's from people's paws instead of cigarettes.
You leave us smokers alone and we'll leave the enormous folks alone who think they need to inhale a dozen hot dogs for breakfast to be happy.
Technorati Tags: [Fat] [Hog] [Horse] [Hippo]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 2:45 PM 7 comments
Good God - A Japanese Toilet Training Video
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
This is just ... this ... I mean Jesus ... I mean God ... okay well. This is apparently for Japanese kids but it scares me.
Technorati Tags: [Video] [Japanese] [Funny Video] [Odd]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 6:07 PM 0 comments
Andrea Yates found NOT GUILTY of drowning her 5 children
Ahh yes the old "not guilty by reason of insanity". The fact of the matter is this woman knew perfectly well what she was doing and this entire insanity thing is a steaming pile of crap. Oh ... wait ... she was a Christian? ... alright then she is insane. My bad.
Hopefully the next step will be strapping this bride of Christ to a table and cutting out her baby making equipment. Yes ... I'm serious.
Technorati Tags: [Andrea Yates] [News] [MSNBC] [Murder]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 4:07 PM 2 comments
A list ...
Sunday, July 23, 2006
99 things that I've learned ...
- Some people can talk to the dead
- Some people can't
- Some people will believe anything
- Religion proves that
- Love makes you crazy
- Hate does too
- Believing in God is dangerous
- Not believing in God is dangerous too
- Most folks are totally clueless
- It's what keeps them alive
- Joe Eszterhas is the greatest storyteller alive
- Skepticism makes people stupid
- Removing an engagement ring is impossible
- Aliens are real
- So are ghosts
- Alternative medicine is just as effective as that of the traditional kind
- Always say "I love you"
- But only if you do
- Take a walk
- Daily
- Women are far more deceitful than men
- They have to be
- Smoking doesn't kill you
- Neither does second-hand smoke
- Everybody wants to be famous
- Because they don't know any better
- Sex is God's greatest invention
- So are cookies
- Television makes people stupid
- So does reading the paper
- Age is as painful as youth
- In completely different ways
- Some folks have way too much money
- Some folks live on the street
- Small towns are bad for the heart
- Honesty isn't appreciated
- Lying isn't as well
- The meek shall inherit the world
- After it's all been destroyed
- Politicians don't care
- Ever
- Some have been abucted by aliens
- Except the ones who tell you they were
- People want what they want
- Then they want something else when they get it
- Nobody gets into Heaven
- Heaven doesn't exist
- Homosexuals aren't going to Hell
- Hell doesn't exist
- Nobody plays piano like Elton John
- Nobody plays guitar like Eric Clapton
- Poltical beliefs are as dangerous as those that are religious
- Bloggers aren't writers
- They never will be
- Psychiatry is bullshit
- Alcoholism isn't a disease
- Books are better than film
- Films are better than life
- Conspiracy theories are theories
- Quija boards work
- It's pronounced "Wee-Jah"
- Sports are meaningless
- Self-help books don't work
- David Copperfield is the greatest magician ever
- Lists don't mean a thing
- "The Shining" is the scariest thing in print
- Romance novels are the stupidest thing in print
- Ebay is better than the store
- It's also more trouble than it's worth
- The internet will soon kill us all
- Profanity isn't bad
- Censorship is
- The bible is far worse than porn
- George Carlin is the funniest man alive
- Paula Poundstone is the funniest woman alive
- Whatever happened to her?
- Recycling is a waste of your time
- The planet will die regardless of what you are doing
- Being rich doesn't make you respected
- It makes you think that you are
- John Hughes understands
- Whatever happened to him?
- Woody Allen is the greatest filmmaker alive
- Leonard Cohen is the greatest poet alive
- I hear that he's totally broke
- Oswald didn't kill Kennedy
- Fucking Marilyn did
- Fucking Kennedy killed her as well
- 9/11 was allowed to happen
- Nostradamus wasn't a seer of things that would come
- He was also a very poor writer
- James Randi is a cranky old man
- So is the President's wife
- Ann Coulter's closet is full
- Elvis is dead
- "Family Guy" is the greatest show on TV today
- Cancer will never be cured
- My father was incapable of love
- Except for himself

Technorati Tags: [Lists] [Thoughts] [Beliefs] [Ideas]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 9:58 AM 6 comments