Maybe it's Jesus!
Did he ever get to Texas?
U.S. archaeologists have excavated what appears to be a 2000 year old skeleton from the shores of a lake near Austin, Texas.
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Technorati Tags: [Archaeology] [Texas] [Science] [Austin]
Prehistoric Human Skeleton Found in Texas
Monday, August 28, 2006
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 2:40 PM 0 comments
Paramount cuts ties with Tom Cruise
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
NEW YORK - It’s Tom Cruise vs. Sumner Redstone in a case of you’re fired-I quit at Hollywood’s highest level.
On one side is the chairman of Viacom, Inc., which owns Paramount Pictures.
On the other is the industry’s biggest and most bankable star, whose last seven films have each generated over $100 million.
Redstone said Tuesday that Paramount would sever its long and profitable relationship with Cruise/Wagner Productions, Cruise’s company with producing partner Paula Wagner. Redstone told the Wall Street Journal that Cruise’s “recent conduct has not been acceptable to Paramount.”
But Wagner told The Associated Press that agents for Cruise/Wagner Productions stopped negotiating with Paramount over a week ago and since secured independent financing, effectively taking any contract-renewal deal off the table.
“For some reason, Paramount has chosen to negotiate in the press,” Wagner said, calling Redstone’s announcement “surprising.”
“It’s not really the most businesslike approach,” she said. “We’ve had virtually no dealings with Mr. Redstone.”
Paramount referred all calls on the matter to Viacom. Viacom spokesman Carl Folta had no comment late Tuesday.
“As much as we like him personally,” Redstone is quoted as saying, “we thought it was wrong to renew his deal.” He then cited Cruise’s “recent conduct” as the reason.
In the past year or so, Cruise couch-hopped on Oprah Winfrey’s talk show while proclaiming his love for Katie Holmes, criticized the use of antidepressants and claimed that postpartum depression doesn’t exist. He also got into an angry exchange with Matt Lauer on the “Today” show while defending his opinions.
Cruise/Wagner Productions has been based on the Paramount lot since 1992.
“We viewed ourselves as partners with Paramount,” Wagner said, adding that the collaboration has produced $2.5 billion worth of business.
With “War of the Worlds” and “Mission: Impossible 3,” Cruise helped earn nearly $1 billion for Paramount this year alone, Wagner said. Cruise/Wagner Productions brought “M:I3” director J.J. Abrams to the studio, she said, which recently inked a five-year arrangement with Abrams.
She and Cruise had been considering independent financing for their company “for a long time,” she said.
“For us, this is a very new and exciting direction. We look forward to working with all the studios.”
My Thoughts:
And by "recent conduct" they mean "MI:3" failed to make back it's budget.
I really don't understand why we can't leave Tom the fuck alone.
Let's take a look at all the evil things he's done:
The Water Pistol Incident:
Some guy acts like a jerkoff and Tom handles it calmly and politely. This is bad how?
The Couch Jumping:
Have you ever seen an interview with Jim Carrey or Robin Williams?
Plowing Katie Holmes:
Okay we all make mistakes.
Being a Scientologist:
People picked at him for not talking about his religion and they pick at him when he does. Where does he win in that?
The Matt Lauer Interview:
Tom had an opinion based on his religious beliefs. How dare he speak his mind in a free country!
It's Paramount that should be ashamed and not Mr. Cruise.
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Technorati Tags: [Tom Cruise] [Paramount] [Scientology] [Movies]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 8:18 AM 0 comments
Kevin Smith Doing A Horror Film?
Monday, August 21, 2006
Rock. Paper. Scissors.
Kevin Smith doing a horror movie?
I'm so incredibly wet right now ... go on feel my nipples!
Technorati Tags: [Kevin Smith] [Movies] [Horror] [Horror Movies]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 10:21 PM 0 comments
This post contains material that some may find offensive: "The Aristocrats" joke as told by Beast of "The X-Men"
On tonight's episode of "WWTCK Radio" at BlogTalkRadio I talked a bit about a very funny movie called "The Aristocrats".
It's many comedians (some genius some not so much) telling their version of what is reported to be the world's dirtiest joke.
Over at YouTube I found a very funny version of the joke created by (obviously) an "X-Men" fan.
Here's the video:
Other versions of the joke:
(all the below are from the movie "The Aristrocrats")
Bob Saget:
The Kids Of "South Park":
Eric Mead:
Martin Mull:
Otto & George:
Technorati Tags: [Jokes] [Offensive] [Funny] [Dirty]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 9:17 PM 0 comments
Who's dumber ... bitingblondewit or a sack of doorknobs?
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Regarding bitingblondewit's comments on Angel's guest post:
I'm really quite sick and tired of people making fun of what I do by asking me idiotic questions and making smart-ass remarks.
And what happens when I respond? They think I'm being the offensive one!
I take what I do very seriously and I'm going to stop tolerating the rude bullshit. If you've got nothing nice to say then don't fucking bother because you're going to get it right back.
bitingblondewit never struck me as terribly intelligent and her comments proved me right. If she continues to post her idiotic comments I will delete them on sight.
If I need her to open her mouth in the future then I'll unzip my pants.
Technorati Tags: [Blog] [Blogging] [Idiots] [Fool]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 11:42 PM 0 comments
Hello Everyone
Greetings, I am Angel and one of Art's good friends. He had asked me to be a guest blogger tonight for him. And of course I said yes. lol
Anyhoo, I met Art through my hubby on and we instantly became friends. He is one of those people who just draw you in and make you feel as if you have known them your whole life. He is awesome! I am excited to say, that in late October he will be joining my family for Halloween. And we have awesome plans. We are going to a graveyard in my town to do some ghost hunting. It is gonna be a blast! This graveyard is my favorite place and I have encountered some interesting things. So having a medium with me will make the experence more interesting. I am looking forward to October, not just because of the graveyard visit, but because this will be our very first face to face meeting. I talk to Art on a daily basis and we know each other pretty well, so there wont be any unexpected surprises. lol
Art is the real thing (medium). If you are interested in a reading or contacting a past loved one or friend; I highly recommend you email him.
Well enough about Art. lol I have my own blog, which is kinda like a news site on Archeology. Any new discoveries or updates I post there. It is at I try to keep it updated every two days. But sometimes I don't find much new news. :) So if you are interested in Archeology, please go by and have a read.
Well I don't know what else to really say. Oh...wait. We have a radio show we do Sunday thru Thursday at We try to have guest on there on Sunday and Thursday. So maybe swing by and give us a listen. You can even download our past shows and listen to what you missed. It is cool. I am one of the host and I really love doing the show. They are an hour long, unless we have guests on, then it is two hours. We even take call ins, so if you want to share a thought or opinion you can.
Well I am turning this into a book, so I will stop for now. Hopefully Art will let me post again sometime. Remember to visit my site and come listen to our show. *Chow*
Technorati Tags: [Blog] [Blogger] [Medium] [Psychic]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 2:26 AM 4 comments
Rush VS. Leonard Cohen - VOTE!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
There's a couple of Canadian artists that are legendary in the minds of many.
I'm asking my readers to tell me which they prefer.
Vote with your comments boys and girls.
Exhibit A:
"Circumstances" by Rush:
Exhibit B:
"Dance Me To The End Of Love" by Leonard Cohen:
Technorati Tags: [Rush] [Leonard Cohen] [Canadian] [Music]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 7:52 PM 4 comments
Another awesome chance ...
Monday, August 14, 2006
... for you to give to a good cause and save some bucks on your next purchase from "Border's".
August 26th and 27th are "Border's National Benefits Days".
"First Book" is handing out a coupon for 10% off at "Border's" on those days - and an additional 10% of purchases made with the coupon will be donated back to "First Book" by "Border's". A good way to save money on back-to-school purchases and help "First Book" at the same time.
From now until August 26th each of my posts will feature a banner at the bottom that you can click to get a "Border's" coupon for 10% off your next purchase. The awesome part is that 10% of those purchases will go towards "First Book".
So watch for the banner at the bottom and start shopping for a good cause!
Remember: You gotta click the banner to get the printable coupon!

Technorati Tags: [First Book] [Borders] [Books] [Charity]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 4:18 PM 0 comments
UPDATED: Tonight On BlogTalkRadio
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Tonight Tom, Angel and myself will be speaking with Jack Malebranche from The Church Of Satan about his beliefs and the church.
This should make for quite an interesting show!
The show starts at 9:00 PM EST / 8:00 PM CST / 6:00 PM PST tonight and more information can be found here.
You can listen to the interview here:
Download The mp3
Technorati Tags: [Satan] [Radio] [BlogTalkRadio] [Interview]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 2:50 PM 1 comments
'iPods could make you hallucinate'
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Even though I have actually suffered from what they talk about in this article (yes I believe this theory) I won't stop listening to music.
Read The Article
Technorati Tags: [iPod] [Weird] [Science] [News]
I've not been posting because I've been beating off (stop snickering) an un-identitifed stomach ailment over the past couple of days that's left me in terrible shape.
I've gone for tests and hope to have answers soon.
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 4:56 PM 0 comments
Nerd Rap
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
I am not a fan of rap music myself (except for Eminem) but this white boy from Purdue really got my attention.
I suggest you give it a listen.
It's geektastic.
Mc Plus+
Technorati Tags: [Rap] [Geek] [Nerd] [Music]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 8:54 PM 2 comments
"God Hates Fags" representative scheduled on live streaming call-in radio
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Online streaming radio show "We Were The Cool Kids" will be hosting a Representative from the Westboro Baptist Church. These are the people that are responsible for picketing at soldier's funerals, across the country. This is a live, call-in show, and listeners are encouraged to call early.
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Technorati Tags: [Radio] [God] [Hate] [Gay]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 10:14 AM 2 comments
An interesting article
I found this interesting article over at Webfeed Central and I highly suggest that you take a gander.
It's given me a lot of food for thought regarding my measly little blog.
Blog Reading: Quantity vs. Quality
Technorati Tags: [Webfeed] [Blogging] [Bloggers] [Blog]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 7:25 AM 1 comments
Fake but accurate: Reuters Doctoring Photos from Beirut?
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Because most of the daily news is a hodge-podge of fact and fiction what suprises me is that people are actually shocked by this.
Contained in this story is a seemingly faked picture from Reuters showing smoke in Beirut.
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Technorati Tags: [Beirut] [Reuters] [News] [Fake]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 9:34 PM 0 comments
Bloggers Raise More Than $2250 for First Book
Friday, August 04, 2006
Hey hey!
I was browsing around Technorati when I stumbled across an intersting story on the official blog of First Book.
The bloggers that participated in Blogathon raised a bun-load of cash that will help buy 900 books for children in need!
Yay bloggers!
Read More
Technorati Tags: [Technorati] [Blogathon] [Charity] [Bloggers]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 1:33 AM 2 comments
An IQ Test ... by me
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Start yourself at the highest possible IQ (which is 220) and subtract the number at the end of each statment that applies to you.
This will give you your final IQ.
The Test
- If you're a Christian subtract 9 points.
- If you voted for Bush in the first election subtract 4 points.
- If you voted for Bush in the second election subtract 8 points.
- If you voted for Bush in both elections subtract 16 points.
- If you watch Oprah subtract 5 points.
- If you watch Dr. Phil subtract 6 points.
- If you watch both subtract 22 points.
- If you watch soap operas subtract subtract 10 points.
- If you call the soaps you watch "my stories" subtract 9 points.
- If you were born before 1970 and after 1979 subtract 3 points.
- If you go hunting subtract 7 points.
- If you use terms like "that guy got owned" or "pwned" subtract 5 points.
- If you have a MySpace subtract 7 points.
- If you don't watch "The Daily Show" subtract 12 points.
- If you named your children after a vehicle brand name subtract 8 points.
- If you have a government job subtract 13 points.
- If you live in Canada subtract 6 points.
- If you live in America subtract 7 points
- If you live in Europe subtract 6 points.
- If you watch more than 4 hours of TV a day subtract 2 points.
- If you watch the news during those 4 hours subtract 4 points.
- If you read the newspaper subtract 9 points.
- If you think Made For TV Movies are entertaining subtract 15 points.
- If the last book you opened required the use of crayons subtract 4 points.

Technorati Tags: [IQ] [Tests] [IQ Tests] [Comedy]
P.S.: My score was 214
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 5:27 AM 0 comments
A music lesson ...
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
I'm not going to worry about what the hot blogging topics are today because today is the day you get a lesson in what real talent is.
There is no one that can surpass Sir Elton John in terms of breathtaking piano craftsmanship and talent.
It has been said that him and Bernie Taupin (his longtime lyricist) have written the soundtrack to our lives. It's true.
The following are solo (just him and his piano) performances from his concert at Ephesus.
Today's the day you treat yourself to genius.
"Rocket Man":
"Crocodile Rock":
"I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues":
"Honky Cat":
Technorati Tags: [Elton John] [Music] [Legends] [Genius]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 3:56 AM 0 comments
Drunky McJesus In Rehab?
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Well it looks like Mad Max may have entered that phase of his career where you hear a giant flush.
The whacky, anti-semetic Mel Gibson may have entered rehab to deal with the fact that he's made Jesus very angry.
Troubled star Mel Gibson has checked himself into a recovery program for alcohol abuse. Gibson was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence in Malibu, California early Friday morning. The Oscar-winner's representative, Alan Neirob, confirmed the actor had entered rehab, saying he was "participating in an ongoing program to deal with this. The guy is trying to stay alive." Neirob declined to describe the program or say how long Gibson planned to be there. On Saturday, Gibson issued a statement apologizing for his behavior after the arrest. The Los Angeles Sheriff's Department turned the case over to the district attorney Monday and the DA's office is now reviewing the information to determine whether to press charges. Controversy erupted over the weekend over allegations the Sheriff's Department was considering removing offensive remarks Gibson made at the time of his arrest from the official report. However, a law enforcement official said the report the sheriff's department turned over Monday substantiates claims that Gibson made anti-Semitic remarks and threatened a deputy. DA spokesperson Jane Robinson tells American publication People, "We believe we received a complete report, but can't comment on the details of it." An arraignment is set for September 28. Meanwhile, a spokesperson for Disney said Monday the studio plans to release Gibson's latest film, Apocalypto, as scheduled December 8.
Technorati Tags: [Mel Gibson] [Apocalypto] [Hollywood] [Gossip]
Posted by wewerethecoolkids at 4:14 AM 0 comments